As a standard motor vehicle driver on Florida roads, you have to place your trust in commercial truck drivers to safely and cautiously drive when in your neighboring vicinity. What’s more, you may have to trust a commercial trucking company’s supervisors and employees to safely and cautiously examine and load the truck before sending it off onto the road you now share. But unfortunately, this may be a lot of trust to ask for. That is, you may encounter more poorly maintained trucks than you would initially assume. Continue reading to learn how you can get injured from a poorly maintained truck and how an experienced Panama City truck accident attorney at Manuel & Thompson, PA can help you heal from this incident.

What is considered poor maintenance of a truck?

Similar to how you have to take your standard motor vehicle for an inspection every so many years, trucking company supervisors and employees must conduct routine inspections on their fleet. Of note, truck inspections should and have to be done more often though. This is because a fault in any of the safety features within a large, commercial truck may cause a more catastrophic accident than what a standard motor vehicle is capable of. Without further ado, below are qualities that constitute a poorly maintained truck that should be taken off the roads immediately:

  • A truck that has worn-out tires or brakes.
  • A truck that has a faulty or loose lock for its trailer’s backdoor.
  • A truck that has a faulty or loose connector with its attached trailer.
  • A truck that has torn or missing reflective tape on its sides, back, and bottom.
  • A truck that has broken or malfunctioning headlights, taillights, and blinkers.
  • A truck that has fallen-off or loosely-fixated side mirrors and rearview mirrors.

How can I get injured in an accident with a poorly maintained truck?

A truck’s size and weight may appear colossal compared to your standard motor vehicle. Sadly, your truck accident may have you feel the effects of this strong force by colliding directly with it. Or, it may involve you drastically swerving out of the way to avoid a dangerous truck, subsequently colliding with another external force. Your accident may even involve a truck’s contents spilling onto your standard motor vehicle. In any event, you may get seriously, if not fatally, injured. Below are more specific examples of how you may get injured by a poorly maintained truck:

  • Broken or sprained bones.
  • Disfigurements to facial features.
  • Lacerations or soft tissue injuries.
  • Spinal cord damages or injuries.
  • Concussions or traumatic brain injuries.

This is not to mention the emotional damages that you may take on after being made the victim of a poorly maintained truck. This is all to say that what you need the most is likely strong legal representation from one of the skilled Panama City auto accident attorneys. Someone at Manuel & Thompson, PA is eagerly waiting for you to reach out.