Manuel & Thompson, PA is currently taking orders for winter coats for children in need. Recently featured in a WJHG news story, which you can read here, Mr. Taylor, of Manual & Thompson, speaks of the importance of getting children in need these winter coats before the winter season begins.
“…it’s really a big factor with our elementary schools some of our local younger kids for whatever reason don’t have adequate coats for this cold weather.” He went on to say, “A warm coat for a child can make all the difference,” a very true statement.
If you would like to donate a coat for a child in need, simply swing by our office. You can also donate coats at the following locations:
- The Bay County Sheriff’s Office
- 1st Choice Physical Therapy
- Granny Cantrell’s
- Any Innovations FCU Location
- Restore Physical Therapy
- University Academy
- Waffle Shop on E. 6th Street
We greatly appreciate your support.