You may have a lot of other responsibilities you are in charge of in your personal life. What’s more, after your accident, you may feel the need to prioritize your physical health and road to recovery. So the last thing on your mind may be to add a legal claim on your plate. However, this may be the resolution for seeking the relief you desperately need for your injuries and damages. With that being said, follow along to find out the worth of your claim and how one of the proficient Panama City personal injury attorneys at Manuel & Thompson, PA can help you make these calculations.

How do I figure out the worth of my personal injury claim?

Once the dust has mostly settled from your personal injury accident, you must sit down and take inventory of the economic and non-economic damages you incurred. That is, your economic damages are the tangible losses you received from your accident and subsequent injuries. Then, your non-economic damages are the intangible losses you experienced from this. Without further ado, examples of both, which you may or may not have, are as follows:

  • Common types of economic damages:
    • Medical bills related to your incurred bodily injuries.
    • Rehabilitation and therapy expenses related to your incurred bodily injuries.
    • Past, present, and future lost wages related to your inability to return to work.
    • Repair or replacement bills related to your damages or lost personal property.
  • Common types of non-economic damages:
    • Your physical pain related to your incurred bodily injuries.
    • Your permanent disfigurement or disability related to your incurred bodily injuries.
    • Your lost enjoyment or diminished quality of life related to your incurred bodily injuries.
    • Your emotional distress or suffering related to flashbacks of your accident event (i.e., PTSD).

So, if you conclude that you have significant economic and non-economic damages, you may figure it is worth pursuing a legal claim for it.

How can I calculate the total damages I incurred?

Calculating the total economic damages you incurred thus far may be pretty straightforward. For example, you may reference all the medical bills you have been delivered since your accident date. Plus, you may take a past pay stub to calculate the wages you have already missed out on.

However, calculating your future economic damages may be more tricky. That is, you may not have enough knowledge to predict how long your recovery will take. What’s more, it may be difficult for you to assign a dollar amount to your intangible, non-economic damages. For this, you should hire financial and medical experts for your personal injury case.

At any rate, don’t hesitate to get in touch with one of the talented Panama City personal injury attorneys today. We, at Manuel & Thompson, PA, look forward to your phone call.