Unbeknownst to you, you may have been driving around for quite some time now with faulty parts inside your automobile. Then, in the blink of an eye, these faulty parts may get triggered for no real rhyme or reason. This trigger may send you into a catastrophic auto accident that could not have been avoided within your reasonable control. Unfortunately, this scary scenario is a real possibility for many experienced drivers, including yourself. If you ever happen to find yourself in this regrettable situation, please continue reading to learn how faulty parts might lead to your accident and how an experienced Panama City car accident attorney at Manuel & Thompson, PA can help you prove this for your future, potential personal injury claim.
In what ways might faulty parts cause my auto accident?
A standard motor vehicle may be made up of anywhere between 30,000 to 40,000 components. And if just one of these components is inherently faulty, it may catapult you into a serious auto accident.
As an example, say that there are defects within your steering system, whether it be its column, power steering, wiring, or otherwise. Well, if any of these defects are spurred, your steering component may break suddenly and cause you to lose complete control over maneuvering your vehicle. This may prevent you from pulling over safely or otherwise steering clear of any vehicles or road obstructions in your path of direction, ultimately resulting in a crash.
In another example, say that your airbag is faulty. With this, it may deploy when it is not supposed to; that is, when there is no force or impact to prompt it. In this situation, the deployed airbag may completely obstruct your view of the road ahead of you. This may cause you to instinctively swerve or otherwise collide with someone or something else on the road before being able to safely pull over. In the meantime, you may get injured from the sheer, unexpected force of the airbag against your body.
How can I prove faulty parts caused my auto accident?
You may be, understandably, confused in the immediate aftermath of your auto accident. This may be especially true if it was caused by a faulty part still not visibly detectable. Nonetheless, you may have a sneaking suspicion that this was the catalyst of your accident if no other present drivers proved to be negligent.
In a case like this, you may want to get your vehicle inspected by a professional technician at an auto repair shop. Here, they may have the tools and knowledge to pinpoint the smallest defect within your steering system, airbags, or any other component. This may make you more confident in pursuing a product liability claim against the vehicle manufacturer, supplier, dealership, or other at-fault third party.
If you find yourself at a crossroads, please seek the sound advisement of a skilled Panama City auto accident attorney. Someone at Manuel & Thompson, PA will stand by your side at a moment’s notice.