While a bar may have a reputation for fostering a disorderly, buzzing environment, it should nonetheless be safe for all its patrons. So when it is not, and a patron gets injured as a result, a bar owner may be to blame. Follow along to find out why a bar might be held liable for your accident and how one of the proficient Panama City slip & fall accident attorneys at Manuel & Thompson, PA can support your legal action.

Under what circumstances is a bar liable for my slip and fall accident?

The most common type of accident scene in a bar is a slip and fall accident. And the catalyst of such an accident is usually the negligence of a bar owner. That said, your slip and fall accident may have occurred for any of the following reasons:

  • You may have slipped and fallen due to a defective or broken barstool.
  • You may have slipped and fallen due to a spilled liquid or broken glass left uncleared.
  • You may have slipped and fallen due to damaged or uneven flooring (i.e., turned-up carpets).
  • You may have slipped and fallen due to poor lighting inside, outside, and at the entranceway of the bar.
  • You may have slipped and fallen due to insufficient security inside, outside, and at the entranceway of the bar.

It is worth mentioning that, in addition to a bar owner, a bar employee, vendor, or fellow patron may be possible at-fault parties in your accident.

Under what circumstances is a bar responsible for my auto accident?

On the other hand, say that your injuries and damages were incurred at the hands of a drunk driver. Well, the state of Florida abides by what is known as the dram shop law. This law holds that a bar owner may be responsible for a drunk driving accident if the drunk driver in question was originally a patron of their establishment; and the accident occurred upon their leaving of the establishment.

So, if your case is a drunk driving case, you may have to prove the bar owner’s fault by identifying any of the following circumstances as true:

  • The drunk driver in question was younger than the lawful drinking age of 21.
  • The drunk driver in question is someone who is known to be habitually addicted to alcohol.

Unlike most states, Florida’s dram shop law does prohibit a bar owner from serving alcohol to a patron who is visibly intoxicated. This is an important note to make for your claim.

You must tackle your personal injury claim as soon as possible. So contact one of the talented Panama City slip and fall accident attorneys or Panama City auto accident attorneys from Manuel & Thompson, PA today.