Say, for instance, that you are a tenant or visitor of a rental property. If you undergo a slip and fall accident on this rental property, you may be wondering whether you can hold the landlord responsible. Follow along to find out who is to blame for your injury and how one of the proficient Panama City slip & fall accident attorneys at Manuel & Thompson, PA can help you in determining this.

Under what circumstances is my landlord responsible for my injury?

Before all else, a landlord has a duty of care to upkeep their property. This is because if they are negligent in doing so, an injury may result. With that being said, your landlord may have breached their duty of care, and therefore may be responsible for your slip and fall injury, if any of the following are relevant:

  • A landlord failed to conduct safety checks of their elevators, stairwells, swimming pool, etc.
  • A landlord failed to install adequate lighting in their hallways, stairwells, etc.
  • A landlord failed to install alarm systems and surveillance cameras on their premises.
  • A landlord failed to install locks on all windows and doors in their rental units.
  • A landlord failed to install smoke detectors in their rental units.
  • A landlord failed to install carbon monoxide detectors in their rental units.
  • A landlord failed to remove mold or asbestos in their rental units.

How do I prove that my landlord is responsible?

You may have never expected that you would become a victim of an accident in the comfort of your own home. Rest assured, you may be able to recover the damages that you incurred. Specifically, if you believe that your slip and fall accident was due to no fault of your own, but rather due to the fault of your landlord, then you may proceed with a slip and fall injury claim. To do so, you must defend one of the following arguments:

  • Your landlord offered you a rental unit that was not habitable.
  • Your landlord offered you a rental unit that was in direct violation of Florida safety regulations and building codes.
  • Your landlord was aware of a hazardous condition but took no action to fix it.
  • Your landlord should have reasonably known about a hazardous condition that may cause a slip and fall accident.
  • Your landlord neglected to warn you about the existing hazardous condition while they were in the process of fixing it.

For more information on how to go about your slip and fall injury claim, you must not hesitate in speaking with one of the talented Panama City personal injury attorneys. Importantly, the statute of limitations for your claim will be approximately two years from the date of your accident. So you must act now and give our firm a call today.