Your employer must fulfill their duty of care and promote a workplace that is free from any potential dangers. This safety standard is set forth by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, otherwise known as OSHA. Follow along to find out what accidents occur due to OSHA violations and how one of the proficient Panama City workplace accident attorneys at Manuel & Thompson, PA can work on your behalf.

What is OSHA?

First of all, OSHA is part of the United States Department of Labor. This administration ensures that employees are experiencing safe and healthy working conditions through their enforced standards, provided training, and provided investigations. Notably, the OSHA Act covers more than just workers who perform physical labor, like construction workers. Namely, it covers most private-sector employers and their workers, in addition to some public-sector employers and their workers.

What types of accidents occur due to OSHA violations?

It is an unfortunate truth that some employers act negligently and violate OSHA guidelines. And when this occurs, workplace accidents are likely to follow. Below are different types of accidents that may occur due to OSHA violations:

  • Accidents due to defective fall safety systems.
  • Accidents due to exposure to hazardous chemicals.
  • Accidents due to lack of overhead protection (i.e., falling debris).
  • Accidents due to defective equipment (i.e., faulty brakes, faulty pulleys, etc)
  • Accidents due to unsafe scaffolds (i.e., scaffolding falls, scaffolding collapses, unsure scaffolds, etc).
  • Accidents due to improper training (i.e., nail gun injuries, blade and saw injuries, lifting injuries, electric shocks, etc).

What should I do if my employer is violating OSHA guidelines?

If you are under the impression that your employer is violating OSHA guidelines, then you must report them to the administration. From here, OSHA will conduct an investigation of your workplace and signal out all the unsafe and unhealthy working conditions. You should not fear that you will be retaliated against for reporting your employer, as federal law declares it is illegal to do so.

In the meantime, if you have, unfortunately, incurred injuries or damages due to a workplace accident, you must turn to legal action. First, you must report your accident to your employer within 30 days of its occurrence. Then, you must bring forward a workers’ compensation claim. This may just be the only way that you can financially survive your hefty medical bills while you are unable to return to work.

So, without further ado, you must reach out to the talented Panama City personal injury attorneys today. We will not hesitate in evaluating your case and guiding you down the right legal route. Pick up the phone and call Manuel & Thompson, PA to schedule your free initial consultation with one of our attorneys today.