Though it may come as a shock, nursing home abuse is reported to occur far too often in the state of Florida. This abuse may be in the form of physical, emotional, sexual, financial, or otherwise. Continue reading to learn what are considered warning signs and how one of the experienced Panama City nursing home abuse attorneys at Manuel & Thompson, PA can help you understand the steps to take to rectify this situation.

What are considered warning signs of nursing home abuse?

Understandably so, it is difficult to have to place your loved one in a nursing home. What’s more, it is difficult to find the right home for them.

Ultimately, once these decisions are made, you hold onto the hope that the nurses and staff are taking good care of them. But in addition to hope, you must actively do your part and serve as your loved one’s protector. This means working on their behalf in looking out for any of the following warning signs of nursing home abuse:

  • Your loved one appears to have had significant weight loss.
  • Your loved one appears dehydrated.
  • Your loved one appears overmedicated.
  • Your loved one appears to be in a poor hygienic state.
  • Your loved one appears to have bedsores.
  • Your loved one has experienced unexplainable falls.
  • Your loved one has unexplained, unyielding cuts and bruises.
  • Your loved one has unexplained, repeated infections.

What is the deadline for an elder abuse claim in the state of Florida?

According to Florida statute, no resident of a facility shall be deprived of any civil or legal rights, benefits, or privileges guaranteed by law. This includes residents of nursing homes. So, if you discover that your loved one is not being treated courteously, fairly, and with the fullest measure of dignity, but rather they are being abused, then you must take legal action. Such legal action may be in the form of an elder abuse claim against the abusive and negligent nursing home nurse, staff, or owner.

With that being said, you must also remain mindful of the statute of limitations associated with this claim. This deadline is usually two years from the date of your loved one’s incident. Though there may be extenuating circumstances that extend this timeframe, the sooner you bring your claim forward the better.

While thinking about your legal case, you must simultaneously be thinking about the immediate safety of your loved one. Meaning, you should report your loved one’s incident of abuse to local law enforcement, the Florida Ombudsman Program, and other relevant authorities.

All in all, this claims process may become easier with sound legal advisement from one of the skilled Panama City personal injury attorneys. Contact our firm as soon as you possibly can.