Essentially, every action you take immediately following your slip and fall accident event may make or break your future legal claim. Hopefully, this blog will give you a better understanding of what to do to help yourself and your case. Without further ado, continue reading to learn what happens if you make a mistake and how an experienced Panama City slip & fall attorney at Manuel & Thompson, PA can help you avoid them in every which way.
What happens if I make a mistake after my slip and fall accident?
For one, you should not apologize or admit your part in the slip and fall accident to the negligent party or the responding law enforcement officer at the scene. This is because your accidental confession of fault may be recorded as an oral or written testimony. Subsequently, you may be barred from receiving financial compensation for your injuries and damages in your future personal injury claim. This is thanks to Florida’s modified comparative negligence statute, which holds that you cannot seek recovery if you are found to be more than 50 percent at fault for the accident event.
Then, you should not post on social media at all, regardless of whether or not the content has to do with your slip and fall accident event. This is because the defense team may submit your social media posts as evidence in court and use them against you in your claim proceedings. For example, they may argue that a certain post of you doing a physical activity indicates you exaggerated the severity of your injuries.
Lastly, you should not wait too long before you bring your slip and fall accident claim forward. This is because the statute of limitations in the state of Florida is set at two years. Anyway, the longer you wait, the more the defense team may argue that you do not exactly need financial compensation to recuperate.
What can I do to avoid making any of these mistakes?
At this point, it may seem like every step you take following your slip and fall accident leaves you vulnerable to making a mistake. However, this may be entirely avoided, so long as you seek legal representation from a personal injury attorney right away. In fact, we recommend that you do not speak with anyone until you speak with an attorney; unless, that is, you need to talk to a law enforcement officer and emergency medical technician at the scene.
We understand just how delicate this situation may be for you. If you need an emotional support system that doubles as a legal support system, look no further than Manuel & Thompson, PA. Retain the services of one of the skilled Panama City personal injury attorneys today.