Following your personal injury accident, you may be suffering from equal parts economic damages and non-economic damages. Claims for non-economic damages, such as pain and suffering, are more common in the state of Florida than you may realize. So this is to say that you must not shy away from a fight to recuperate from yours. Continue reading to learn how you can calculate pain and suffering and how one of the experienced Panama City personal injury attorneys at Manuel & Thompson, PA can help you make an accurate computation.
What qualifies as pain and suffering for my personal injury claim?
First things first, pain and suffering is the physical and mental discomfort you endure in the months, years, and even the indefinite future since your personal injury accident. Such discomfort may be considered to be chronic and debilitating. Generally speaking, physical and mental conditions that may qualify as physical and mental pain and suffering, respectively, include the following:
- Physical pain and suffering:
- Your broken/fractured bones, pulled/sprained muscles, and dislocated joints.
- Your nerve damage or permanent paralysis.
- Your severe neck and spinal cord injuries.
- Your chronic headaches or migraines.
- Your traumatic brain injury.
- Your internal organ damage.
- Mental pain and suffering:
- Your cognitive changes after your traumatic brain injury.
- Your post-traumatic stress disorder.
- Your anxiety or depression.
- Your loss of companionship.
- Your diminished quality of life.
How can I calculate pain and suffering for my personal injury claim?
Of note, the state of Florida does not impose a cap on the compensatory damages a plaintiff may recover in a successful personal injury claim. Meaning that, in your case proceedings, you must not hold back in your claims toward certain economic and non-economic damages. Similarly, you must not withhold any proof that points to such damages. Without further ado, the Florida court may valuate your pain and suffering by considering the following factors:
- Your credibility, in the eyes of the Florida court.
- Your consistency in your testimony, in the eyes of the Florida court.
- Your acting in good faith during your personal injury claim proceedings.
- The type and severity of the bodily injuries you incurred from your personal injury accident.
- The future problems that the type and severity of your bodily injuries may create for you.
- The diagnosis you were given by your medical provider in how it aligns with the type and severity of your bodily injuries.
- The strength of your medical provider’s testimony in how it supports your claim.
All in all, to be fairly compensated for your pain and suffering, you must turn to one of the skilled Panama City personal injury attorneys. So please get in touch with us at Manuel & Thompson, PA as soon as you get a free chance.