Construction sites often have many things going on at a time, making it potentially dangerous for workers. If negligence takes place and an accident happens, it can result in serious injuries that can impact a person for the rest of their life. It is because of this that they may wish to recover compensation as coverage for the damages that stem from the incident. If you were injured in a construction accident, contact an experienced Florida personal injury attorney for assistance with your case. 

What are Causes of Construction Accidents?

There are many different ways that a construction accident can happen in Florida, which can include but are not limited to the following: 

  • Scaffolding collapses/falls
  • Crane accidents
  • Ladder accidents
  • Explosions
  • Nail gun accidents
  • Electrocutions
  • Lifting injuries
  • Building collapses
  • Unsafe property conditions
  • Negligent management
  • Exposure to hazardous materials
  • Blade/saw accidents
  • Falls

How do I Pursue Financial Compensation?

Personal injury accidents often cause significant physical, emotional, and financial hardship to the people who are involved. It is because of this that they often wish to pursue legal action for negligence in order to recover compensation for these damages. This can be done by filing a personal injury claim in which they are required to prove negligence. This can be done by gathering evidence that shows the party in question’s behavior directly caused the injuries. Beneficial evidence can include medical documentation of the injuries, pictures of the hazard that caused the injuries, security footage of the accident, witnesses of the incident, etc.

What is a Third-Party Lawsuit?

When a workplace accident happens, construction workers usually do not want to sue their employer. This is because it can cause the work environment to be uncomfortable moving forward. Sometimes, employees may be eligible for workers compensation. In some cases, it is a third-party lawsuit may take place against another party who was responsible for the incident. In the event of a construction accident, this may be an equipment manufacturer, leasing agent, architect, designer, property owner, general contractor, and more. 

Contact our Firm

To discuss your case with our experienced Panama City personal injury attorneys, contact Manuel & Thompson, P.A. today for your free consultation.