You must seek out a medical evaluation immediately following your rear-end collision. This is so you can properly deduce whether you incurred a back injury, or any other type of bodily injury, upon impact. Follow along to find out the signs and symptoms of a back injury after a rear-end collision and how a proficient Panama City car accident attorney at Manuel & Thompson, PA can support you during your journey to recovery.

What are the signs and symptoms of a back injury after a rear-end collision?

You may remember violently jolting against the seatback upon the impact of your rear-end collision. But you may not necessarily feel any back pain as you step out of your car to speak with the other driver, law enforcement officers, EMTs, etc.

However, the symptoms of your back injury may not be noticeable until hours, days, or even weeks after your accident date. This is why you must make a conscious effort to look out for the following signs that indicate your incurrence of a back injury:

  • You are experiencing unprecedented stiffness in your back.
  • You are experiencing tingling, numbness, or a burning pain in your back.
  • You are experiencing muscle spasms or sharp pains in your back.
  • You are experiencing discomfort when walking or standing.

What should I do to recover from my back injury?

While your back injury may call for a long road to recovery, it may be doable. Without further ado, you should take the following initiatives to properly heal:

  • You may have to initially visit the emergency room and stay overnight at the hospital.
  • You may have to make an appointment(s) with an orthopedic specialist.
  • You may have to make an appointment(s) with a physical therapist.
  • You may have to make an appointment(s) with a chiropractor.
  • You may have to undergo X-rays and MRI scans.
  • You may have to undergo spinal surgery.
  • You may have to buy a back brace.
  • You may have to buy anti-inflammatory medications.

Evidently, recovering from your back injury may be costly. This is why we recommend that you strongly consider taking legal action against the driver who caused you to incur this injury in the first place.

With this, you must remember to collect your medical records and medical bills along the way, to serve as proof for your potential, future claim. You may ultimately gather enough evidence to yield a successful personal injury claim. In this case, the driver may be ordered to compensate you for the medical expenses you have incurred or anticipate to continue incurring in the future. This may be along with being compensated for your other economic and non-economic damages.

This is all to say that you must not suffer in silence but rather take immediate action and retain the services of one of the talented Panama City auto accident attorneys. Contact Manuel & Thompson, PA today.