You likely enter and utilize a parking garage nearly every day in the state of Florida. This may seem like a safe location, but the fact of the matter is that another party’s negligence may make you a victim of an accident. Follow along to find out what negligent acts may lead to a parking garage accident and how one of the proficient Panama City parking lot accident attorneys at Manuel & Thompson, PA may step up and come to your aid.
What types of negligence may lead to a parking garage accident?
Like most personal injury accidents, parking garage accidents are usually caused by negligence. Whether it be due to the negligence of an automobile driver, a pedestrian, a property owner, or otherwise, you may incur serious injuries and damages as a result. Examples of such negligence are as follows:
- A driver may have sped well above the strictly enforced speed limit in the parking garage (i.e., faster than five miles per hour).
- A driver may have failed to thoroughly check their rearview mirror, side mirrors, backup camera, and overall surroundings when reversing out of a parking spot.
- A driver may have failed to stay in their lane when driving through the parking garage.
- A pedestrian may have been using their phone when walking between parked cars in the parking garage.
- A pedestrian may have failed to use the designated crosswalks when navigating through the parking garage (i.e., jaywalking).
- A property owner may have failed to clear debris or patch up potholes within the parking garage promptly.
- A property owner may have failed to post proper traffic signs and signals within the parking garage.
- A property owner may have failed to employ adequate security guards or security systems within the parking garage.
It is difficult to fathom that any of the aforementioned types of negligence may lead to consequences as serious as head, neck, and spinal cord injuries; this is not to mention severe car damage.
What is the statute of limitations for my accident claim?
Once you pinpoint the responsible party, you must quickly consider whether you wish to sue them. This is because there is a statute of limitations in the state of Florida. In other words, you may only have two years from the date on which your parking garage accident occurred to file a personal injury claim.
A failure to meet this deadline means a failure to pursue legal action indefinitely. This subsequently translates into a failure to attain the financial compensation that you require to heal from your injuries and damages.
This is why there is no time like the present to bring forward your claim. So reach out to one of the talented Panama City slip and fall accident attorneys from Manuel & Thompson, PA today.