If you are feeling drowsy or fatigued, or haven’t gotten much sleep in the past few days, you may want to postpone your long road trip, call an Uber or Lyft, or otherwise. On the other hand, truck drivers may feel pressured to hit the road when they are scheduled to do so, regardless of how they are feeling. Continue reading to learn why it is dangerous for a truck driver to drive while fatigued and how one of the experienced Panama City truck accident attorneys at Manuel & Thompson, PA can help you pursue legal action.

Why is it dangerous for a truck driver to drive while fatigued?

Operating a commercial vehicle, such as an 18-wheeler truck, already requires an abundance of caution. So it is dangerous for a truck driver to be anything less than on high alert. Of note, drowsy driving is associated with debilitated vision, judgment, coordination, and reaction times. That said, below are examples of why it might be dangerous for a truck driver to drive while fatigued:

  • A truck driver may fail to realize that they are weaving in and out of lanes without checking their large blind spots.
  • A truck driver may fail to realize that they are passing through major intersections without checking for red lights or stop signs.
  • A truck driver may fail to realize that they are tailgating the vehicle ahead of them and they need to hit the brakes.
  • A truck driver may fail to realize that a hazardous road condition lies ahead and that they need to hit the brakes.
  • A truck driver may fail to realize that a road has insufficient lighting and that they need to turn on their headlights.

What proof do I need for my truck accident claim?

When a truck driver is fatigued, their driving is unpredictable. So if you have been made a victim of a truck accident due to no fault of your own, then you need to bring forward a personal injury claim.

For your claim, you may need to offer evidence that shows the truck driver was fatigued at the time of your accident. This may include medical records that prove their history of a sleeping disorder; records of their prescription medications that make them drowsy; social media posts that prove they have not slept recently; work schedules that prove they have been overworked; and more.

In the end, you must gather this evidence before the state of Florida’s statute of limitations. This strict deadline is two years from the date on which your accident occurred. So you must schedule your initial consultation with one of the skilled Panama City auto accident attorneys as soon as you possibly can. Our team at Manuel & Thompson, PA will be awaiting your phone call.