Losing a loved one because of the negligence of another is devastating. If you are in this unfortunate situation, you will need to reach out to our firm today to speak with one of our skilled Panama City wrongful death attorneys.
What are Florida’s wrongful death claim laws?
Florida has enacted several statutes that address and compensate family members that have lost a loved one due to negligence. This is more commonly referred to as a wrongful death claim. You will want to understand that in the state of Florida, there is a shorter statute of limitations for wrongful death claims than the standard four-year deadline for most personal injury claims. This means that, meaning that claims must be brought within two years of the death. Because of the time sensitivity of this issue, you will need to reach out to our personal injury attorneys as soon as you can if you have lost a loved one because of another party’s negligence. Our legal team will help ensure that you meet each of your claim’s deadlines.
Who is eligible to bring a wrongful death claim in Florida?
Keep in mind that not all states in the U.S. have the same laws regarding who is allowed to pursue legal action for a wrongful death claim. In some states, only people who are surviving dependents or are on behalf of the decedent’s estate can file this claim. In Florida, however, the following people may bring a wrongful death claim after someone passes away:
- Spouses
- Children
- Parents
- Siblings of the deceased if they were partially or wholly financially dependent on the deceased
What kinds of wrongful death suits are there?
There are a number of different types of wrongful death claims that which our firm has been involved in. Some of the most common situations our firm has seen include death as a result of automobile accidents, pedestrian accidents, boating accidents, slip and fall cases, railroad accidents, bicycle accidents, deaths caused by asbestos and other unsafe or defective products, and more.
If you lost another due to wrongful death, it is in your best interest to reach out to our firm today to obtain the justice you and your loved one deserve. Give us a call today to get started. Our legal team is on your side.
Contact our experienced Florida firm
Here at Manuel & Thompson, P.A., we understand the potentially devastating effect that an injury can have on an individual and his or her family, which is why we are dedicated to helping all those who’ve been injured due to no fault of their own. Our firm also proudly handles insurance disputes, hurricane claims, fire loss claims, commercial litigation, and construction law matters. To discuss your case with our experienced Panama City personal injury attorneys, contact Manuel & Thompson, P.A. today for your free consultation.